The Role of International Organizations in Peace and Security

International organizations have and play a critical role in maintaining world peace and security, given this world is confronted with conflict, instability, and threats to human security. The United Nations has stood at the front line of international organizations practicing peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and assisting with democratic governance. The paper, along the same line of thought, looks at the immense contributions the international organizations, in particular the UN, have been able to offer and how these organizations have provided for the human need for peace, security, and democracy around the globe.


The United Nations: A Pillar of Global Peace and Security


1. The Foundation and Mandate of the United Nations

The United Nations was formed in 1945, just upon the conclusion of World War II, with the primary goals of preventing other wars and promoting peace between nations. The UN Charter articulates the objectives, which are mainly aimed at maintaining international peace and security, fostering social progress, and better standards of living as well as human rights. The articulated goals place the United Nations at the center of global governance.


2. Peacekeeping Operations

Among the most distinctive human face and an embodiment of a high-impact role of the United Nations is seen in peacekeeping operations. UN peacekeepers, in most colloquial terms "Blue Helmets," are deployed within conflict zones to aid in maintaining peace and security, monitor the situations of ceasefires, protect civilians, and assist in the process of disarmament, demobilization, and the reintegration process of the former combatants.


A. Major Missions of Peacekeeping

- The Congo, 1960-1964: ONUC is amongst the earliest and most challenging of the peacekeeping missions embarked on by the UN. Taking place shortly after gaining independence from Belgium, it concerns stabilizing the country at times of very serious political crisis and conflict.

- Cambodia, 1991-1993: The United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) helped put an end to the years of fighting by signing a ceasefire, then turning attention to the disarming of soldiers and holding the first democratic elections in the country.

- Rwanda, 1993-1996: While it failed to stop the genocides that racked the country, the UN mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) nevertheless highlights some of the problems and weaknesses of the peacekeeping scenario. Still, it shows at the same time to be an omen for necessary reform in the way the UN manages its theory of operations in the field of peacekeeping.

- South Sudan, 2011-present: The United Nations Mission in South Sudan aims to assist the newest nation in the world, torn by internal war since its independence.


B. Peacekeeping Challenges

Although UN peacekeeping operations have been quite effective in preventing and postponing the resumptions of conflicts, they still have many challenges to overcome—

- Inadequate Resources: Peacekeeping Missions often experience a shortage of resources, and this does not allow them to work in full swing according to their mandates.

- Complex political environments: Peacekeepers operate in highly volatile and politically complex environments where the line between peacekeeping and peacemaking gets blurred.

- Host nation cooperation: The cooperation of the host nation towards the peacekeeping operations remains an issue more often than not.

- Limitations of the mandate: The mandates of peacekeeping missions are usually very limited, sometimes constraining its use of force or intervention.


3. Conflict Resolution and Mediation

Aside from peacekeeping, the United Nations plays a crucial role in settling conflicts through mediation, diplomacy, and negotiations. The United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs leads such efforts to prevent or resolve such conflicts before they erupt into hostilities.


A. Mediation Initiatives

- Good Friday Agreement (1998): The United Nations, along with other foreign interests, played a supra role during the negotiation phase in finalizing the Good Friday Agreement signed in Northern Ireland, which peacefully ended years of sectarian violence by setting up political power-sharing.

- Peace talks in Syria: The UN, in this case, has been playing an active role in being a mediator of the peace talks regarding the Syrian conflict, though nothing seems to be working out for the best in this conflict. Efforts included the gathering in Geneva for peace talks and support of delivery of humanitarian aid.

Children in Syria

- Yemen Peace Process: The UN has been facilitating peace processes in Yemen, which has seen one of the most devastating humanitarian crises as a result of its brutal civil war. In this context, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen has been at the forefront in negotiating ceasefires and laying the ground for initiating dialogue among the conflicting parties.

The UN considers preventive diplomacy as a very sourcing element in the entire strategy of conflict resolution. Through preventive diplomacy, the UN aims at dealing with the root causes of conflict before they burst into violence. It has worked in a number of instances, among which are:


- West Africa: The UN intervened timely at political crises in Liberia and Sierra Leone, which did not allow the situation to spill over into violence and ease the processes to build peace.

- Kyrgyzstan, 2010: The UN's timely diplomatic intervention into ethnic conflict in Kyrgyzstan helped in defusing tension, and that paved the way for an amicable resolution.


4. Support to Democratic Governance

In fact, the promotion of democracy is one of the major agendas of the United Nations. The UN views democracy in governance as key to the sustenance of peace and security, since it creates all-inclusive societies, observes the rule of law, and implements the respect of human rights.


A. Electoral Assistance

The UN provides electoral assistance to the member states in the ability to help them conduct credible, free, and fair elections. The all-inclusive process includes both technical help, voter education, and also observing the elections.

- Afghanistan: The UN played a major role in assisting democratic elections in the country, though the security situation was extremely hostile.

- Iraq: Following the fall of the Saddam regime, the UN provided massive electoral support to establish a democratic government.


B. Building Institutions

The UN operates regarding capacity-building democratic institutions through technical support in the formulation of legal structures, in human resources development in the government, and in transparency and accountability.

- Tunisia: The UN was there to help the democratic transition of Tunisia sprouting from the Arab Spring. It helped draft a new constitution and build up civil society organizations in the country.


- Liberia: The UN helped Liberia's democratization through capacity building and support for reforming the judiciary, enhancing governance, and promoting human rights.


C. Human Rights Promotion

Human rights are inalienable from democratic governance. The UN Human Rights Council, together with the OHCHR, promotes and protects human rights universally.

- Universal Periodic Review: It is a unique process under which all the human rights records of UN members are to be reviewed periodically. It is a process of dialogue and accountability, through which States' fulfillment of human rights is encouraged.

- Monitoring of Human Rights: The United Nations dispatches human rights monitors across the conflict zones to document abuses and provide an early warning of looming atrocities. Such a check is essential for the protection of vulnerable groups and for enabling justice to be brought to the erring parties.


 Roles Played by Other International Organizations


Although the United Nations is the most well-known international organization in this field, other actors are also making important contributions. Many of them are in cooperation with the United Nations or on their own initiative to focus on specific regional or thematic issues.


1. African Union

The African Union is a continental organization dedicated to promoting peace, security, and development in Africa. The AU's Peace and Security Council (PSC) is responsible for controlling and resolving conflicts on the African continent.


 A. Missions on Peacekeeping

- African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM): AU has been very committed to the stabilization of Somalia through its peacekeeping mission which was dispatched in the year 2007.

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID): A joint mission of the UN and AU, it involves the protection of the civilians and facilitating the humanitarian assistance needed in the Darfur region of Sudan.


 Mediation and Conflict Resolution

The AU has also been tasked with mediating in core potential areas of conflict within Africa, including South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and Mali. Third-party influence in such mediations is provided by the UN in most cases along with a few other countries.


2. The European Union (EU)

The European Union is a regional bloc with the aim of ensuring peace, security, and economic co-operation among its member states. The EU has a vast conflict prevention and resolution mechanism that utilizes diplomacy, development aid, and military missions.

European Union


A. Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)

CSDP permits the EU to conduct operations engagement of both civilian and military in the conflict zone to collaborate in peacebuilding, capacity building, and democratic governance.

European Union Forces (EUFOR) Althea-Bosnia and Herzegovina. Concerning the EU's overseas operation, the EUFOR Althea-Bosnia and Herzegovina reinforce the implementation of the Dayton Agreement on Peace and support the country in its environment for safety.

- EULEX Kosovo: An EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo helps the local authorities in Kosovo to establish a functioning justice system, police, and customs service.


B. Mediation and Dialogue

The EU is involved in mediation and dialogue to find solutions to conflicts in Europe and world-wide. The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy takes a central position.


- Iran Nuclear Deal: The EU played a vital mediating role in the talks that turned out successful and met the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal.

- Ukraine Crisis: The EU got deeply involved for the resolution in the turmoil-gripped Ukraine through due diplomatic support and simultaneous sanctions on Russia for its actions.


3. NATO 

NATO is a military alliance of 30 North American and European nations that implements collective defense in the sense of protecting the freedom and security of its members. Although it is a defense organization, it has highly been involved in the preservation of peace and crisis management.


A. Peacekeeping Missions

- Kosovo Force (KFOR): Since 1999, NATO's KFOR mission has been preserving peace and security in the Kosovo territory, following the Kosovo War.

- Afghanistan(ISAF and Resolute Support Mission): The International Security Assistance Force that was led on the part of NATO in Afghanistan in 2001 and lasted until 2014 in the later part of the defended bones of Afghan forces is again supported by NATO in a bid to implement its intentions to set the nation free against external and domestic miscreants.

B. Crisis Management and Conflict Prevention

NATO has tools to manage crises and avoid conflicts. To make it certain, NATO has the following abilities to tackle the crisis. NATO's deterrence posture is one of the fundamental ways to prevent conflicts and crises in Europe.


4. Organization of American States (OAS)

The OAS is a regional entity committed to democracy, human rights, and security in the Americas. The OAS has been involved in conflict mediation and election monitoring, to support the establishment of democratic institutions throughout the Americas.

 A. Electoral Observation Missions

OAS sends electoral observation missions to states, which are members of this body, to guide the process of free and fair elections in such states. It promotes democratic governance in such states and deters violence in the process of conducting elections.


 Conflict Resolution

The OAS has been involved in conflict resolution around Latin America in border conflicts such as that between Ecuador and Peru and political crises in Venezuela and Honduras.


 Social Movements in the Peace Process

While international organizations have a key role in peace and security, social movements equally share this importance. Social movements have been based on responding to this call of justice, equality, and human rights abuse and might turn out to become strong change movements.


 1. The Role of Social Movements in Promoting Democracy

Social movements help to enhance the growth and development of democratic governance reform, particularly in places that are fully or semi-authoritarian at best; they mobilize citizens to agitate and pressure the regimes for reforms. SOCIAL MOVEMENTS


 A. The Arab Spring

The Arab Spring was the unison of pro-democracy uprisings that washed over the Middle East and North Africa from the beginning of 2010 to 2011. Again, the petition made on the dictatorial and oppressive governments occurred as social movements in countries like Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.


 B. The Fall of Communism and Eastern Europe

For instance, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, social movements in Eastern Europe spearheaded the struggle for democratic transition and against communist rule. The Solidarity movement in Poland and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia are the result of grassroots activism.


 2. Social Movements and Conflict Resolution

Social movements can also help to resolve conflict by promoting dialogue, reconciliation, and limits to violence. Through these mechanisms, movements tend to work in cooperation with international organizations to outline issues that are predisposing conflict and to find more lasting resolutions that are long-term in nature.


 A. Northern Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement

In Northern Ireland, social movements are attributed to a significant role in the peace process and lead to the Good Friday Agreement. Organizations like the Women's Coalition brought together different thoughts and attitudes at the negotiation table and appealed for a vagabond solution for the disturbances.


 B. South Africa and the Anti-Apartheid Movement

The anti-apartheid movement in South Africa was a significant movement geared towards the attainment of the removal of racial separation and the establishment of equality. The defeat of apartheid, as well as the institution of a democratic government, shows how potent collective action can be on the path to peace and justice.


3. Challenges Faced by Social Movements

Despite the fact that social movements are very relevant, they face a number of challenges. Some of the majorly known ones include:


- Repression: Social movements usually face types of repression under arrest, violence, censorship, etc., by the state.


- Sustainability: Sustainability in Time and Capacity are other considerations, given the external pressures and internal divisions characteristic of these movements.


- Co-optation: Social movements can be the easy prey to the efforts of political parties and other organizations. This can easily result in a dilution of the message and the very goals of that kind of group.


Achieving Peace and Security Together


Keeping global peace and security is truly a very complex and multi-dimensional process, the success of which depends on how international organizations, national governments, and social movements can set up and come to the aid of the effort. The United Nations, being at the forefront of the international effort, has considerably made its mark on peacekeeping, resolution of conflict, and introduction of democratic governance. Yet, there are existing challenges requiring further reform and support.



Other regional and international organizations that play a pivotal role in the maintenance of regional peace and security are: the African Union, the European Union, NATO, and the Organization of American States. In this, their efforts, taken together with the grassroots activism of social movements, indicate the ability of collective action to meet the gravest ecological challenges of the planet.


Success in peace and security initiatives will continue to hinge on the cooperation and commitments desired by each one of the involved actors. By working together, we can build a more peaceful, just, and democratic world for future generations.